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Our Commitment to Excellence

Certified Quality

Our dedication to excellence is backed by our prestigious certifications:

  • ISO9001: Quality Management Certification
  • ISO14001: Environmental Management System Certification
  • EU CE: Compliance and American UL Certifications

With over 50 domestic and international patents, our innovative technologies set the benchmark for the HVAC filter industry.

Advanced Testing Facilities

We ensure that our products exceed the highest standards through rigorous testing:

Filter Testing:

Equipped with a fully automatic high-efficiency and ultra-high-efficiency detection and scanning machine, conforming to EN1822 and ASHRAE52.2 standards.

Our fully automatic performance testing machine for general ventilation filters adheres to the ISO16890 standard.

FFU Testing:

Our FFU wind tunnel test and noise reduction integrated automated lab exceeds the JG/T 388-2012 standard.

Our facility is also accredited with the International CNAS Lab Qualification, ensuring unparalleled testing accuracy and reliability.

Why Choose Pure Flow Global?

  • Innovative Technologies: With more than 50 patented technologies,
    we lead the way in HVAC filter innovation.
  • Sustainable Practices: We are committed to environmental stewardship, reflected in our ISO14001 certification.
  • Superior Performance: Our rigorous testing protocols guarantee that our products meet and exceed industry standards.
  • Easy Procurement: Buyboard contract number 720-23 (TASB) approved.

Join us in advancing air quality and environmental sustainability. Discover more about our products and how we can help you achieve unparalleled performance, cost savings, and efficiency.

Order a Sample Today